Author: etcipnja
Halloween Walk
This year’s Flint’s Grove Halloween Walk will take place along the cul-de-sac section of Antigone Drive. Please join us for warming fall treats at 6pm near the Flints Grove Lane-Antigone Drive intersection.
Trail Handover Update
The board are actively working with Montgomery County to finalize the handover of the Trail after the completion of the Stormwater drainage project. Once this handover is complete, upgrades to the communal areas such as the tot-lot will be considered by the board.
Ice-cream Social!
In celebration of National Ice Cream Day on July 21st, the Flints Grove Homeowners Association Board and Social Committee has organized an Ice Cream Social on Sunday, July 21st from 3-5PM at 11425 Flints Grove Lane (Open Lot across from the Trail entrance on Flints Grove Lane, between the Datta residence at 11429 and Blair…
2019 HOA Annual Meeting and Elections
As required by our FGHOA Bylaws we will have our annual Board Elections during this meeting. We have three Board positions open for elections. Please feel free to nominate yourself or a neighbor from the community. A copy of the Proxy Ballot for voting in case you cannot attend and want to delegate your proxy…