Author: Neil Smith

  • Volunteering

    The Flints Grove HOA is dependent on volunteers to maintain and improve our community. Please consider volunteering for any Flints Grove HOA Committees or as a general volunteer in your area of interest. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Board at

  • Trees


    Homeowner Trees The rules for taking down homeowner hardwood trees are contained in Article VIII, Section 7 (i) of the Declaration: “no sound hardwood trees measuring in excess of six (6) inches in diameter two (2) feet above the ground shall be removed from any lot without written approval of the Association acting through the…

  • Welcome To Our New Site!

    Welcome To Our New Site!

    Our new website allows for easier posting of news, events, updates, meeting announcements and minutes, along with other useful information. The improved design provides a faster, more intuitive way to communicate with you and we look forward to building on this to create a useful resource for the community. As work continues on updating and enhancing…

  • Trail Upgrades – May 5

    Trail Upgrades – May 5

    Montgomery County are tending to parts of the trail today, May 5. The work is happening between Flints Grove Lane and the forest entry and involves adding topsoil, seed and mulch to some of the trail sides. The trail remains open, but homeowners should take extra care when using.