2019 HOA Annual Meeting and Elections

As required by our FGHOA Bylaws we will have our annual Board Elections during this meeting. We have three Board positions open for elections. Please feel free to nominate yourself or a neighbor from the community. A copy of the Proxy Ballot for voting in case you cannot attend and want to delegate your proxy to another member or submit your proxy ballot to the Nominations Committee is included here and our FlintsGroveHOA.org website. http://flintsgrovehoa.org/home/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/2019-Flints-Grove-HOA-Nominations-and-Proxy-Form.pdf

You can send your Nominations or Proxy Ballot to the FGHOA Nominations Committee: 

Michael Wolmetz: mikew@jhu.edu or Min Liu: minliu2000@yahoo.com

We encourage all Flints Grove HOA (FGHOA) Community Members to attend our Annual Meeting. Refreshments will be served. Agenda follows:

1. Board and Committee updates for the year     
2. Financial Summary  
3. Proposed Budget Approval   
4. Q&A and additional discussions 
5. Nominations, Voting for new Board  
6. Volunteers for Committees

We will also present a report of our Financials and proposed Budget at the meeting for approval. As required by our Bylaws a notice of our Annual Meeting was posted on signs at major intersections, as well as, our Financials and proposed Budget 30 days prior to the meeting on our FGHOA web site FlintsGroveHOA.org at 
http://flintsgrovehoa.org/home/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Flints-Grove-HOA-2018-Financials.pdf  for your review and approval.


Flints Grove HOA Annual Meeting and Elections

Location: DuFief Elementary School, Multi-purpose Room

Date & Time: Tuesday, April 30th, 2019, 6:30—9:30 PM